Hydrogen and hydrogen-electric propulsion represent a promising path towards achieving climate neutral aviation. When produced from clean electricity, hydrogen has no CO2 emissions over its life cycle. Hydrogen can be combusted through modified gas-turbine engines or converted into electrical power that complements the gas turbine via fuel cells. The aviation industry and governments jointly foster disruptive innovation combined with sustainability.
The Vienna Aviation days are organized through the Horizon Europe project exFan (101138184). The aim of this event was to establish a platform to enable an exchange of green aviation topics for aviation research projects and build a connection between the different projects, programmes and policy makers. The topics of the projects contribute to future Hydrogen/Hybrid electric aircraft propulsion systems.
At the event, the participating projects presented their activities towards hydrogen propulsion. The audience gained an insight into the tasks and challenges of the individual projects. This served as a basis for discussion and subsequent one-to-one meetings and paved the way for possible cross-project collaboration or to create ideas and cooperation for new projects.
The Vienna Aviation Days will return in 2025 !!!
Welcome address
12:30 - 13:00 Registration
13:00 - 13:10 Moderation & Opening
13:10 - 13:30 Introduction Speech
- Jens Schneider / TU Wien
- Michael Weigand / TU Wien
- Martin Berens / TU Wien
Block 1 Policy, strategies
13:30 - 15:00
First hydrogen powered aircraft are expected to reach market readiness by 2035. Potential deployment will focus on regional and single aisle aircraft. European and national policies foster and support the maturation of this technology. This block will cover the strategies and challenges presented by the public sector.
Michail Kyriakopoulos / European Commission
Janik Fernandez / Clean Aviation
Ingrid Kernstock / Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology - BMK
Kai Wagner / German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action - BMWK
Ron van Manen / Directeur Projectbureau - Luchtvaart in Transitie
Panel discussion
15:00 - 15:30
Block 2 Challenges & Opportunities
15:30 - 17:30
The successful transition towards hydrogen propulsion faces different challenges and opportunities. Those include future aircraft emissions such as non-CO2, contrails, or noise as well as ground infrastructure.
Michele De Gennaro / AIT - Project NEEDED
(A glimpse towards the future Hydrogen Powered Aviation: LH2 Ground Infrastructure and Emmision Modelling)
Feija Yin / TU Delft - Project BeCoM, project HOPE
(Research into mitigating aviation’s climate impact: the perspective of contrail prediction and hydrogen-based aircraft propulsion technology)
Fabrice Giuliani / Combustion Bay One e.U. - Project LIQORNE
(Liquid Hydrogen for Airborne Applications)
Peter Rostek / Airbus
(Experimental Research for Sustainable Aviation)
Johannes Hartmann / Airbus - Project FAME
Closing Speech
17:30 - 17:40
Hanns Amri / ADT Engineering
18:30 Dinner at TUtheSky
Moderation & Opening
09:00 - 09:10
Hanns Amri / ADT Engineering
Block 3 Hydrogen Combustion & Hydrogen- electric propulsion systems
9:10 - 11:10
Different projects will present their contribution for the path towards hydrogen propulsion and their technological challenges that need to be overcome in order to reach its full potential.
Martin Berens /TU Wien - Project exFan
(Opportunities to move from heat rejection to heat utilization in hydrogen electric aircraft - exFan)
Yan Duranteau / SAFRAN - Project NIMPHEA
(Next generation of IMProved High temperature membrane Electrode Assembly for aviation)
Stefanie De Graaf / DLR - Project FlyECO
(Future enabling technologies for hydrogen-powered electrified aero engine for clean aviation)
Francesca Di Mare / Ruhr University Bochum - Project MYTHOS
Patrick Jagerhofer / TU Graz
(The Combustor is not enough - Implications on the Hot Gas Path)
11:10 - 11:40
Block 4 Architecture, On Board Storage, Modelling
11:40 - 13:30
Liquid Hydrogen with its low temperature of -253°C creates new challenges in the airplane. Those include tank, on board storage and fuel distribution systems as well as refuelling. This block will present different innovative solutions.
Helmut Kühnelt / AIT - Project MATISSE, Project SOLIFLY, Project HECATE
(Airworthy batteries at AIT - From advanced batteries to MATISSE multifunctional electrical energy storage)
Michael Schilling / TEST-FUCHS
(Mission H2-3-4: Strategic approach towards H2 Solutions for the aircraft industry)
Alexander Trattner / HYCENTA
Stephan Ucsnik / LKR
Jan Haemisch / DLR Lampoldshausen
(Hydrogen-site Lampoldshausen - testing for aerospace and beyond)
Event closure
13:30 - 13:45
Martin Berens / TU Wien
Hanns Amri / ADT Engineering
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