Vienna Aviation Days 2025


Vienna Aviation Days are back, and the topic of this year is “Future propulsion systems from tank to thrust, from research to qualification”. The focus is on combining current developments that will go into operation before 2035 with research to scale up sustainable technologies to achieve climate neutral aviation by 2050. Collaboration between policymakers, researchers, and industry leaders is essential to bridge gaps, foster innovation, and accelerate the transition from laboratory breakthroughs to commercial implementation.

The Vienna Aviation days are organized through the Horizon Europe project exFan (101138184). The aim of this event is to establish a platform to enable an exchange of green aviation topics for aviation research projects and build a connection between the different projects, programmes and policy makers. The topics of the projects contribute to future aircraft propulsion systems.

A preliminary agenda is presented below and will be updated regularly.

Preliminary Agenda

Day 1: 13:00 - 17:30
Session I:
The Horizon of Propulsion Systems

The first step towards climate neutral aviation is to get demonstrators in the air!

  • Near term solutions
  • New aircraft, storage and propulsion systems (operational before 2035)
  • The race for the first operational fuel cell aircraft
  • Both military and civil developments are accepted.
Session II:
Beyond the Horizon of Propulsion Systems

Low-TRL research is the pathfinder towards upscaling climate neutral aviation in the future.

  • Technologies expected after 2035 that solve problems of current developments.
  • A summary timeline at the end of the session
  • Special sub-sessions for ClimAVTech
Day 2: 9:00 - 13:30
Session III:
Surface Technologies - Macroscopic challenges, microscopic solutions

While small, surface properties play a major role for nearly every component within a propulsion system.

  • A special session that compiles all type of surface technologies used to improve performance in the propulsion system.
  • Surface technologies for each component (from tank to thrust)
Session IV:
Pathway from Lab to Air – Policy and Standardisation

Overcoming the great hurdle of time-efficient transition through the TRLs towards commercial use.

  • How policy and standardisation will support new technologies
  • Roadmaps and standardisation in terms of policy, developments and customer needs
  • Identify gaps between the needs of aviation industry and policy strategies.
End of the event

More to come soon—let's stay connected!